Paper Bags

We require some type of packaging to pack any product. There are so many options available like paper bags, plastic bags, cotton bags, tote bags, plastic woven bags etc…


Since the customer has realized about saving of environment there is going on increasing demand on biodegradable, compostable and eco friendly packaging products. There is lots of option available in these types of packaging. Now a day’s consumer is also ready to pay more if there is option of eco friendly packaging options.


Many supermarkets and super stores or even small grocery stores has two types of shopping bags available one is paper bags and second plastic bags. Plastic bags is little cheaper. After shopping consumer has to take a big bag and has to select either paper bags or plastic bags. But most of consumers select paper bags and pay premium.


Now let us talk on how the paper is manufactured. Main input in paper manufacturing is wood pulp. To manufacture wood pulp we need wood so we have to chop trees for pulp. More and more trees are chopped to manufacture paper. According to me if customers eliminate plastic use and use 100% paper than in 10 years all the forest is chopped off. So local government should make some policy on every 10 tree is cut the paper company has to plant 50 trees. So by doing this ecological balance is done perfectly.


Now second most important ingredient used to manufacture paper is water. To manufacture 10 kilo paper there is requirement of 50 liters of water and this is too too much. Water is very important to everyone in this earth. One cannot ruin water like this. So according to me there should be some machines developed that convert’s sea water into fresh water and then utilized by paper bag manufacturing companies. Or there should some latest invention in technology in paper manufacturing which saves water or no water is used.


Paper bags come with white paper bags and brown paper bags. Some of the food manufacturers want attractive printing in their paper bags so now paper bags are available with four color printing or customized printing. If there is requirement of barrier in paper than metalized foil coated paper is available so if the product is packed in foil paper bags than shelf life of product packed is increased and product stays fresh for longer period.


Now there is even further demand of resealable packaging in paper bags so there are some manufacturers who has ability to custom print paper bags and then has resealable ziplock on top of the packaging. And in some case there is tin tie paper bags is the second option than ziplock closures.


According to me there is no alternative of plastic because of many reasons stated above, paper is on the other alternative but It cannot replace plastic.